Mind Mastery Program

Mind Mastery Program Overview

Session 1: Who are we!
Goal: To recognise feelings and emotions in ourselves and others.
This group is called Mind Masters, what do you think that means?
We are going to learn how to be masters of our own minds!
To work well in our group we need:
a) group rules (work them out) and
b) know each other and a part of that is to know things about each other that are strengths...

So, to get to know each other we will play circle ball!

Play circle ball: - Have a large softball. Sit students in a circle on floor close together. You start; tell your name and one thing about your family and one thing that is a character strength or something you are good at. “My name is Mrs. S and I have three sons” roll the ball to another person and they say their name and something about their family. They in turn roll the ball on to someone else. Tell the students at the start to try and remember who rolled it to them and what they said because at the end we try to reverse the process e.g. “Your name is Steven and you have two brothers.”


Butcher's Paper and felt-tip pens
Whiteboard and Markers

Large, soft ball suitable for inside.
Discussion: We all have feelings! Feelings are good. Ask someone to stand up and ask them what they would feel if you pinched them. Ask them what that feeling then tells them to do. Ask someone else what happens when they haven't had enough to eat or drink. Explain how this shows that feelings are good because they help us know what is happening to us and how to react.
Some feelings are not so easy to understand and they are called emotions. Ask for some examples of emotions.
Explain that they are still helpful for us to understand what is happening and how we should react but we need to understand them more.

We have all seen the school behaviour matrix...
Give examples of how people might misbehave and how this might be relate to what they are feeling at the time.
Explain that this is why we need to control our emotions and in order to that we need to understand them well.
For controlling emotions we have some “Zones of Regulation” - explain the zones of regulation.
Use some green, red, yellow and blue coloured card stuck on the board and have the children help sort some of the Emotions Cards into the right zones.

School behaviour matrix on display poster.

Zones of Regulation display poster.
Green, Red, Blue and Yellow card.
Emotions Cards.

Activity: Zones of Regulation Game (In the Gym)
Split the class into four teams – Red, Green, Yellow and Blue. You may label them with the coloured ribbon. Split them into corners in the gym or outside.
Put all the Emotions cards (at least four cards of each emotion) in the middle of the room, spread out and mixed up.
The children are to send one person at a time from their team to run and get one card at a time that belongs with their coloured Zone of Regulation.
The fastest Team wins.

Emotions Cards (at least 4 of each emotion: sad, depressed, sick, tired, happy, focused, ok, calm, excited, silly, frustrated, worried, angry, terrified, yelling, elated.)

Blue, Red, Yellow and Green Card / ribbons... (optional)
Ask each team to explain their zone of regulation.
Explain that for good learning at school we need to be in the green zone and while this won't always be the case we are going to work on helping us to be mind masters who can be in the green zone as much as possible.
If there is extra time the children may do prepared photocopied zones of regulation worksheets.

Photocopied Zones of Regulation Worksheet, enough for each student.
How the topic and grade level connect to the Victorian Curriculum for Health and Physical Education:

Level 2:
*Describe their own strengths and achievements and those of others, and identify how these contribute to personal identities. (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP071)
*Explore actions that help make the classroom a healthy, safe and active place.
*Create and participate in games. (VCHPEM082)
*Identify rules and fair play when creating and participating in physical activities. (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEM087)

Level 3 & 4:
*Describe strategies to make the classroom and playground healthy, safe and active spaces. (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP095)
*Participate in outdoor games and activities to examine how participation promotes a connection between the community, natural and built environments, and health and wellbeing. (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP096)
*Apply basic rules and scoring systems, and demonstrate fair play when participating. (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEM104)

Level 5:
Examine the influence of emotional responses on behaviour, relationships and health and wellbeing. (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP110)
Demonstrate ethical behaviour and fair play that aligns with the rules when participating in a range of physical activities. (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEM122)

How the topic and grade level connect to the Victorian Curriculum for other learning areas and capabilities:

Level 2:
Personal and Social Capability:
*Extend their vocabulary through which to recognise and describe emotions and when, how and with whom it is appropriate to share emotions (VCAA content descriptor VCPSCSE008)
*Identify personal strengths and describe how these strengths are useful in school or family life(VCAA content descriptor VCPSCSE009)
*Use basic skills required for participation in group tasks and respond to simple questions about their contribution to group tasks (VCAA content descriptor VCPSCSO014)
*Recognise that conflict occurs and distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate ways to deal with conflict (VCAA content descriptor VCPSCSO015)

Level 3&4:
Personal and Social Capability:
*Identify and explore the expression of emotions in social situations and the impact on self and others(VCAA content descriptor VCPSCSE016)
*Identify personal strengths and select personal qualities that could be further developed(VCAA content descriptor VCPSCSE017)
Level 5:
Personal and Social Capability:
*Explore the links between their emotions and their behaviour (VCAA content descriptor VCPSCSE025)

Session 2: What makes feelings/emotions!
Goal: To understand the connection between think, feeling and then doing.
Revise last week:
Feelings and Emotions and which Zones of Regulations they belong in.
How does this relate to the school behaviour matrix.
If teacher uses the Zones go over how this works in the class.


Zones of Regulation Poster.

Discussion: Explain how emotions can be related to how we think.
Use pictures and ask what the person in the picture might be thinking and therefore how they are feeling.

Give an example story:
The other day I was playing with my friends and I needed to go to the toilet. I told them what I was doing and asked them to wait for me.
When they didn't wait for me I could have thought: “They didn't wait, they don't care about me”
“Where are they, maybe the teacher told them they had to move on from hanging around outside the toilets.”
Write the two options on the board and ask the children to tell you what emotions would be inspired by the two different thoughts. Write down the ideas.

Now add the different 'do' scenarios for each different thought.
Which ended better?

Photo Pictures of people showing emotions...

Whiteboard and Markers

Write a choose your own adventure story.
In groups of two the children write a story like the one above in which there are two options for thoughts which then show the difference in the feelings and the outcomes.

Paper and Pens/Pencils
Activity: Drama
Use different types of music and ask the children to show what the music makes them feel. Were they thinking anything because of the music? If so, what?

In groups of 4 act one of the stories they had made up.
Ask the children to explain how the thinking affected the feeling and the doing.

Music player with different types of music.
Reiterate how what we think affects how we feel and what we do.
Produce a Poster for the class which shows the
Think – Feel – Do Process.
Think – Feel – Do Poster
How the topic and grade level connect to the Victorian Curriculum for Health and Physical Education:

Level 2:
*Identify and practise emotional responses that account for own and others’ feelings (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP076) *Construct and perform imaginative and original movement sequences in response to stimuli(VCAA content descriptor VCHPEM081)
*Use strategies to work in group situations when participating in physical activities (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEM085)

Level 3 & 4:
*Describe and apply strategies that can be used in situations that make them feel uncomfortable or unsafe (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP090)
*Identify and practise strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP091)
*Describe factors that can positively influence relationships and personal wellbeing (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP092)
*Apply innovative and creative thinking in solving movement challenges (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEM103)

Level 5:
*Examine the influence of emotional responses on behaviour, relationships and health and wellbeing(VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP110)
*Participate positively in groups and teams by encouraging others and negotiating roles and responsibilities (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEM120)

How the topic and grade level connect to the Victorian Curriculum for other learning areas and capabilities:

Level 2:
Create short imaginative, informative and persuasive texts using growing knowledge of text structures and language features for familiar and some less familiar audiences, selecting print and multimodal elements appropriate to the audience and purpose (VCAA content descriptor VCELY230)

Level 3&4:
*Create imaginative texts based on characters, settings and events from students’ own and other cultures including through the use of visual features(VCAA content descriptor VCELT264)
*Create literary texts by developing storylines, characters and settings (VCAA content descriptor VCELT297)
*Create literary texts that explore students’ own experiences and imagining (VCAA content descriptor VCELT298)

Level 5:
*Create literary texts using realistic and fantasy settings and characters that draw on the worlds represented in texts students have experienced(VCAA content descriptor VCELT328)

Session 3: Introducing the Head Hassler and Mind Master!
Thoughts that are unhelpful
Goal: To be able to recognise when thoughts are unhelpful so we can change the thoughts and have more positive feelings.
Revise the last two weeks:
Feelings and Emotions and which Zones of Regulation they belong in.
What causes our feelings?... - thoughts


Zones of Regulation Poster.
Think – Feel – Do Poster.

Have everyone get out their stories from last week.

Today I want to introduce you to two imaginary people! …. The Mind Master and the Head Hassler.

Does everyone have their stories from last week.
Who can guess what types of thoughts the Mind Master has and what types the Head Hassler has?

Explain what the Head Hassler does to us – making us feel sad. The way the Head Hassler does this is to use some favourite words and phrases like
“It never works for me”
“They did that to annoy me”
“It is going to be like this forever”...
Write some on the board.

What kinds of things would the Mind Master say instead? Write them on the other side of the board.

There is one more thing that we need to know about the Head Hassler and the Mind Master. If we start listening to the Head Hassler then he gets bigger and bigger. Ask the children to tell you, one at a time, some things that the Head Hassler might say. With each one blow a balloon up a bit more. Explain that if we listen to him then he gets bigger and bigger and we get sadder and sadder.
However, if we listen to the Mind Master and we use the Mind Master to fight the Head Hassler then he gets smaller and smaller. That is why we are working to become Mind Masters ourselves – so we can fight the Head Hassler and we will be happier people.

Pictures of the Head Hassler and the Mind Master!
The stories written in last weeks session.

Whiteboard and Markers

Activity: Head Hassler and Mind Master Game
This game is a bit like shipwreck. To play a large open area is needed. One side is designated as Head Hassler and the other is designated as Mind Master.
The teacher thinks of some Head Hassler and Mind Master phrases and calls one out at a time. The Children need to decide whether it is a Head Hassler or Mind Master phrase and then run to the appropriate designated place.

Large open area.
Activity: paired Mind Master practice.
In groups of two the students come up with 5 Mind Master phrases each. Their partner needs to judge whether they have the idea right or if they have said a Head Hassler phrase my mistake.

Music player with different types of music.
If there is time the students do a worksheet in which they decide whether the phrase is Head Hassler or Mind Master.
Or they may play/make a snakes and ladders game incorporating Mind Master and Head Hassler phrases.
Ask if we want to have the Mind Master working for us. Reiterate what this means.
Think – Feel – Do Poster
Head Hassler and Mind Master pictures.
Mind Master worksheet, enough photocopied for the whole class.
How the topic and grade level connect to the Victorian Curriculum for Health and Physical Education:

Level 2:
*Identify and practise emotional responses that account for own and others’ feelings (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP076)
*Explore actions that help make the classroom a healthy, safe and active place.
*Create and participate in games. (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEM082)
*Identify rules and fair play when creating and participating in physical activities. (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEM087)

Level 3 & 4:
*Participate in outdoor games and activities to examine how participation promotes a connection between the community, natural and built environments, and health and wellbeing. (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP096)
*Apply basic rules and scoring systems, and demonstrate fair play when participating. (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEM104)
*Identify and practise strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP091)
*Describe factors that can positively influence relationships and personal wellbeing (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP092)
*Apply innovative and creative thinking in solving movement challenges (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEM103)

Level 5:
*Examine the influence of emotional responses on behaviour, relationships and health and wellbeing (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP110)
Demonstrate ethical behaviour and fair play that aligns with the rules when participating in a range of physical activities. (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEM122)
Participate positively in groups and teams by encouraging others and negotiating roles and responsibilities (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEM120)

How the topic and grade level connect to the Victorian Curriculum for other learning areas and capabilities:

Level 2:
Personal and Social Capability:
*Extend their vocabulary through which to recognise and describe emotions and when, how and with whom it is appropriate to share emotions (VCAA content descriptor VCPSCSE008)
*Use basic skills required for participation in group tasks and respond to simple questions about their contribution to group tasks (VCAA content descriptor VCPSCSO014)
Create short imaginative, informative and persuasive texts using growing knowledge of text structures and language features for familiar and some less familiar audiences, selecting print and multimodal elements appropriate to the audience and purpose (VCAA content descriptor VCELY230)

Level 3&4:
Personal and Social Capability:
*Identify and explore the expression of emotions in social situations and the impact on self and others (VCAA content descriptor VCPSCSE016)
*Create imaginative texts based on characters, settings and events from students’ own and other cultures including through the use of visual features(VCAA content descriptor VCELT264)
*Create literary texts by developing storylines, characters and settings (VCAA content descriptor VCELT297)
*Create literary texts that explore students’ own experiences and imagining (VCAA content descriptor VCELT298)

Level 5:
Personal and Social Capability:
*Explore the links between their emotions and their behaviour (VCAA content descriptor VCPSCSE025)
*Create literary texts using realistic and fantasy settings and characters that draw on the worlds represented in texts students have experienced(VCAA content descriptor VCELT328)

Session 4: Putting the Mind Master to work - Gratitude!
Goal: To start practicing Mind Mastery and Gratitude.
Revise last week:
What is the Mind Master's greatest weapon?


Mind Master Picture

One way of using the Mind Master is to practice Gratitiude.
What is Gratitude?
Ask the children for ideas of things they can be grateful for.
Read a story about gratitude
or show the you tube clip of “The Last Stop on Market Street”
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4irkUDbaIA>

Story about gratitude:
Did I ever tell you how lucky you are?”
by Dr. Seuss


The Last Stop on Market Street”
by Matt de la Pena

Or equipment to play a youtube clip.

Set up a gratitude jar and have everyone write some notes to stick in the jar.

Big Jar.
Paper and Pens/Pencils
Activity: Making cards
The children write cards to thank people for things they are grateful for.

Paper, Pens/Pencils, Coloured Pencils, Card, other card making/decorating things.
Reiterate how being grateful is connected to being a Mind Master.

How the topic and grade level connect to the Victorian Curriculum for Health and Physical Education:

Level 2:
*Describe their own strengths and achievements and those of others. (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP071)
*Describe ways to include others to make them feel that they belong (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP075)
*Identify and practise emotional responses that account for own and others’ feelings (VCVAA content descriptor VCHPEP076)

Level 3 & 4:
*Identify and practise strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP091)
*Describe factors that can positively influence relationships and personal wellbeing (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP092)

Level 5:
*Examine the influence of emotional responses on behaviour, relationships and health and wellbeing. (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP110)

How the topic and grade level connect to the Victorian Curriculum for other learning areas and capabilities:

Level 2:
Personal and Social Capability:
*Extend their vocabulary through which to recognise and describe emotions and when, how and with whom it is appropriate to share emotions (VCAA content descriptor VCPSCSE008)
*Use basic skills required for participation in group tasks and respond to simple questions about their contribution to group tasks (VCAA content descriptor VCPSCSO014)
*Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning and begin to analyse texts by drawing on growing knowledge of context, language and visual features and print and multimodal text structures (VCAA content descriptor VCELY222)

Level 3&4:
Personal and Social Capability:
*Identify and explore the expression of emotions in social situations and the impact on self and others (VCAA content descriptor VCPSCSE016)
*Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning and begin to evaluate texts by drawing on a growing knowledge of context, text structures and language features. (VCAA content descriptor VCELY257)
*Identify the point of view in a text and suggest alternative points of view (VCAA content descriptor VCELY255)
*Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning to expand content knowledge, integrating and linking ideas and analysing and evaluating texts (VCAA content descriptor VCELY288)

Level 5:
Personal and Social Capability:
*Explore the links between their emotions and their behaviour (VCAA content descriptor VCPSCSE025)
*Show how ideas and points of view in texts are conveyed through the use of vocabulary, including idiomatic expressions, objective and subjective language, and that these can change according to context (VCAA content descriptor VCELY317)
*Use comprehension strategies to analyse information, integrating and linking ideas from a variety of print and digital sources (VCAA content descriptor VCELY319)

Session 5: Putting the Mind Master to work - Empathy!
Goal: To start practicing Mind Mastery and Empathy.
Revise the last couple of weeks:
What are the Mind Master's weapons?


Mind Master Picture
Gratitude Jar...

Another weapon of the Mind Master is to practice Empathy.
What is Empathy?

Activity: Emotion charades
Have the children in pairs, one is to act out an emotion and the other is to guess the emotion.

Discussion and Activity:
Read the book: “Have you filled a bucket today?”
or watch the youtube clip of it:

Maybe learn a song about filling buckets using one of the youtube clips below:



Ask the children for ideas on how to fill a bucket?
Write them on the board.

Make Buckets for everybody and have everybody post bucket filling notes to partners (to ensure that no-one misses out designate someone for each person)

The book:
Have you filled a bucket today?”
by Carol McLeod

equipment for watching a youtube clip and for learning a song.

Whiteboard and Markers

Pens/Pencils, coloured pencils, paper
Photocopies of buckets for each student which can be cut out.
Revise the weapons we now have for the Mind Master: our thoughts, Gratitude and Empathy.

How the topic and grade level connect to the Victorian Curriculum for Health and Physical Education:
Level 2:
*Create and participate in games. (VCHPEM082)
*Identify and practise emotional responses that account for own and others’ feelings (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP076)
*Construct and perform imaginative and original movement sequences in response to stimuli(VCAA content descriptor VCHPEM081)

Level 3 & 4:
*Practise and apply movement concepts and strategies (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEM099)
*Describe and apply strategies that can be used in situations that make them feel uncomfortable or unsafe (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP090)
*Identify and practise strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP091)
*Describe factors that can positively influence relationships and personal wellbeing (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP092)
*Apply innovative and creative thinking in solving movement challenges (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEM103)

Level 5:
Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP108)
Investigate the role of preventive health in promoting and maintaining health, safety and wellbeing for individuals and their communities (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP112)
Apply critical and creative thinking processes in order to generate and assess solutions to movement challenges (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEM121)
*Examine the influence of emotional responses on behaviour, relationships and health and wellbeing(VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP110)
*Participate positively in groups and teams by encouraging others and negotiating roles and responsibilities (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEM120)

How the topic and grade level connect to the Victorian Curriculum for other learning areas and capabilities:

Level 2:
Personal and Social Capability:
*Extend their vocabulary through which to recognise and describe emotions and when, how and with whom it is appropriate to share emotions (VCAA content descriptor VCPSCSE008)
*Use basic skills required for participation in group tasks and respond to simple questions about their contribution to group tasks (VCAA content descriptor VCPSCSO014)
*Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning and begin to analyse texts by drawing on growing knowledge of context, language and visual features and print and multimodal text structures (VCAA content descriptor VCELY222)
*Write words and sentences legibly using upper- and lower-case letters that are applied with growing fluency using an appropriate pen/pencil grip and body position (VCAA content descriptor VCELY232)
*Listen for specific purposes and information, including instructions, and extend students’ own and others' ideas in discussions through initiating topics, making positive statements, and voicing disagreement in an appropriate manner (VCAA content descriptor VCELY244)

Level 3&4:
Personal and Social Capability:
*Identify and explore the expression of emotions in social situations and the impact on self and others (VCAA content descriptor VCPSCSE016)
*Create literary texts that explore students’ own experiences and imagining (VCAA content descriptor VCELT298)
*Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning and begin to evaluate texts by drawing on a growing knowledge of context, text structures and language features. (VCAA content descriptor VCELY257)
*Identify the point of view in a text and suggest alternative points of view (VCAA content descriptor VCELY255)
*Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning to expand content knowledge, integrating and linking ideas and analysing and evaluating texts (VCAA content descriptor VCELY288)
*Listen to and contribute to conversations and discussions to share information and ideas and negotiate in collaborative situations and use interaction skills, including active listening and clear, coherent communications (VCAA content descriptor VCELY275)
*Discuss literary experiences with others, sharing responses and expressing a point of view (VCAA content descriptor VCELY306)
*Handwrite using clearly-formed joined letters, and develop increased fluency and automaticity (VCAA content descriptor VCELY301)

Level 5:
Personal and Social Capability:
*Explore the links between their emotions and their behaviour (VCAA content descriptor VCPSCSE025)
*Create literary texts using realistic and fantasy settings and characters that draw on the worlds represented in texts students have experienced(VCAA content descriptor VCELT328)
*Use comprehension strategies to analyse information, integrating and linking ideas from a variety of print and digital sources (VCAA content descriptor VCELY319)
Develop a handwriting style that is becoming legible, fluent and automatic (VCAA content descriptor VCELY331)

Session 6: Putting the Mind Master to work - Mindfulness!
Goal: To start practicing Mind Mastery and Mindfulness.
Revise the last couple of weeks:
What are the Mind Master's weapons?


Mind Master Picture
Gratitude Jar...
Revise some of the Head Hassler's phrases, especially ones to do with things being permanent (time based).
What are some of the ways the Mind Master fights those phrases – what thoughts are better?
Explain that sometimes we get worried about what has happened in the past and what other people think about us because of that. Sometimes we get worried about the future and what is going to happen.
One way to counteract that is with Mindfulness (thinking about and concentrating on the present).

Activity: The Five Senses Trick
Everyone needs to trace their hands onto paper and write the five senses on each finger.
Have everyone silently and slowly think about the five senses.

Paper, Pens/Pencils

Equipment to play calming music.
Other Mindfulness activities can be used eg. The smiling mind.

Our hands can be used for other things as well.
Trace another hand on paper and each child needs to write five strengths they have in their fingers.
Paper, Pens/Pencils, coloured pencils.
Revise the weapons we now have for the Mind Master: our thoughts, Gratitude and Empathy, Mindfulness.

How the topic and grade level connect to the Victorian Curriculum for Health and Physical Education:
Level 2:
*Describe their own strengths and achievements and those of others, and identify how these contribute to personal identities. (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP071)
*Explore actions that help make the classroom a healthy, safe and active place.
*Identify and practise emotional responses that account for own and others’ feelings (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP076)

Level 3 & 4:
*Describe strategies to make the classroom and playground healthy, safe and active spaces. (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP095)
*Participate in outdoor games and activities to examine how participation promotes a connection
between the community, natural and built environments, and health and wellbeing. (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP096)
*Describe and apply strategies that can be used in situations that make them feel uncomfortable or unsafe (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP090)
*Identify and practise strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP091)
*Describe factors that can positively influence relationships and personal wellbeing (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP092)

Level 5:
Examine the influence of emotional responses on behaviour, relationships and health and wellbeing. (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP110)
Demonstrate ethical behaviour and fair play that aligns with the rules when participating in a range of physical activities. (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEM122)
*Examine the influence of emotional responses on behaviour, relationships and health and wellbeing(VCAA content descriptor VCHPEP110)
*Participate positively in groups and teams by encouraging others and negotiating roles and responsibilities (VCAA content descriptor VCHPEM120)

How the topic and grade level connect to the Victorian Curriculum for other learning areas and capabilities:

Level 2:
Personal and Social Capability:
*Extend their vocabulary through which to recognise and describe emotions and when, how and with whom it is appropriate to share emotions (VCAA content descriptor VCPSCSE008)
*Use basic skills required for participation in group tasks and respond to simple questions about their contribution to group tasks (VCAA content descriptor VCPSCSO014)

Level 3&4:
Personal and Social Capability:
*Identify and explore the expression of emotions in social situations and the impact on self and others (VCAA content descriptor VCPSCSE016)
*Draw connections between personal experiences and the worlds of texts, and share responses with others (VCAA content descriptor VCELT251)

Level 5:
Personal and Social Capability:
*Explore the links between their emotions and their behaviour (VCAA content descriptor VCPSCSE025)

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